Monday, March 24, 2014

SLR Lounge

So, don't know that much about lenses? Here is a great little article from where they explain some of the variances between Canon lenses and the effects of compression and distortion. Sorry guys, no Nikon here. After all, Canon is the best, hehehehe. Alright, I kid a little. Anyways, the whole website is great for explaining all about your camera and everything you would need to know about it so go ahead and explore the rest of the site as well. Hope you enjoy!

Monday, March 17, 2014


It's been a while since we've last posted but we've been SOOOO busy! We recently attend WPPI where we learned great new business practices, posing techniques, books to read, and a host of other things that were currently incorporating into our business. It's been so tough to absorb all that we learned and want to accomplish that the task seems overwhelming. However, we're busting our butts to get everything in gear and provide even better photography than we did last year. It's so much fun to attend because it is in Las Vegas where the dining is great as well as all of the entertainment. Well, it's back to work.....until next time!